

Download details: Script Encoder
Windows Host Scripting (WSH)是WIN环境的内置VBSCRIPT工具,微软有对WSH短处的精彩自我批评:
Up to now, one of the shortcomings of using scripts is that they afford no protection of the intellectual property contained within, nor do they provide any assurance that what users get is what you created. Clever algorithms and carefully designed scripts were always completely visible because they were stored as plain text. As a result, script users at every level could see the script designer's code and could then take it, modify it, and make it their own. Obviously, this is not good if you're trying to get an edge in a very competitive environment.

微软相应为其VBS脚本提供一个加壳工具script encoder (sce10en.exe),经过处理后的脚本不再是明文,后缀也变成是VBE。但这仅仅是加了壳,可以很容易反相。

Usage: scrdec14 [-cp codepage] [-urldec]

Code pages can be 932 - Japanese
936 - Chinese (Simplified)
950 - Chinese (Traditional)
949 - Korean (Wansung)
1361 - Korean (Johab)
Any other code pages don't need to be specified.
Use -urldec to unescape %xx style encoding on the fly.
如果是中文别忘了specify code page。

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